When their magic wand is yours !


Some folks walk into your life

They discover how special you are

They revel in the difference you make to them

And slowly, they give away a piece of themselves

Without as much as second thoughts ,

For they find in you the safest place

To place their own precious magic wands!



Alas they don’t tell you these are magical

And made of trust or friendship or love or bountiful goodness in thought

That can make them or break them

And that whatever you choose to do with it,

They will never be the same again !



Their wand is yours now

You could flood them with inexpressible joy

Inspire them with your thoughts and deeds

Create an infectious happiness viral

That could eternally drift around

All thanks to you !



Try, just try, to do a little of it, if not all

And see when even a little could mean a lot !

Try, just try, to believe & watch them soar

And witness the wonders, only sheer trust could unfold!



One response »

  1. My joy is boundless when I read this poem . It s so true that very very few become so special in our life ..three cheers to the poet !!!

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